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The package comes with some simple default plots for annex objects (as returned by annex()). The following demonstration is based on the example as shown in the article Prepare data from XLSX, using the file demo_UIBK.xlsx (please read Prepare data from XLSX for details).


# Reading measurement data
raw_df <- read_excel("demo_UIBK.xlsx", sheet = "measurements")

# Read and prepare config object
config <- read_excel("demo_UIBK.xlsx", sheet = "annex_configuration")
config <- subset(config, process == TRUE) # Remove all rows process = FALSE

# Prepare annex object
prepared_df <- annex_prepare(raw_df, config, quiet = TRUE)
annex_df    <- annex(RH + T + CO2 ~ datetime | study + home + room,
                     data = prepared_df, tz = "Europe/Berlin")
## [1] 43500    10
## [1] "annex"      "data.frame"


Once prepared, we can call the default (base R) plotting methods:


Additional arguments start and end can be given (either objects of class POSIXt or characters in the ISO format) to only plot a specific time period.

plot(annex_df, start = "2011-10-03", end = "2011-10-04")
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Using ggplot2

The ‘long form’ of the stats can be handy for plotting with ggplot.

stats <- annex_stats(annex_df)

To ensure we have the long form, annex_stats_reshape() can be called. If it is already in the long format it will simply return itself, else it will be reshaped from the wide format to the desired long format.

stats <- annex_stats_reshape(stats, format = "long")
head(stats, n = 2)
##   study    home room year month tod variable         stats value
## 1  demo General  AMB 2011    10 all       RH quality_lower     0
## 2  demo General  AMB 2011    10 all       RH quality_upper     0

Empirical CDF: The stats contains a series of quantiles following the naming scheme "^p[0-9\\.]+$" (e.g., p00, p02.5, …). The code chunk below subsets the statistics to only get rows containing these empirical quantiles, and appends an additional variable p with the numeric value of the percentile as this is required for the demo plot following afterwards.

# Extracting rows with empirical quantiles
tmp    <- stats[grepl("^p[0-9\\.]+$", stats$stats), ]
# Extract numeric value for plotting
tmp$p  <- as.numeric(gsub("p", "", tmp$stats))
# Unique ID as an interaction of study, home, room, month, and tod
tmp$ID <- with(tmp, interaction(study, home, room, month, tod))
ggplot(subset(tmp, variable == "T")) +
    geom_line(aes(x = p, y = value, col = home, group = ID)) +
    facet_wrap(~ room, scale = "free") +
    ggtitle("Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Temperature by Room Type")

ggplot(subset(tmp, variable == "CO2")) +
    geom_line(aes(x = p, y = value, col = interaction(month, tod, sep = " - "), group = ID)) +
    facet_wrap(~ room) +
    ggtitle("Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of CO2 Concentration by Room Type")

ggplot(subset(tmp, variable == "RH")) +
    geom_line(aes(x = p, y = value, col = room, group = ID)) +
    facet_wrap(~ home) +
    ggtitle("Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function of Relative Humidity by Home")